"As I was seated next to my husband Lai-Thai at the delegation's welcome dinner, I could feel some other guests wondering about me and my relationship to him; was it business or personal? Just 'arm candy' or his valuable partner? At that moment I took the decision that I really had to get out of my ‘modest self-shell’ to interact more genuinely with the others. So it turned out to be a very pleasant business evening and I know I also reinforced my husband’s position."
Is it possible to become an outgoing leader and CEO, when your parents drilled you in the art of impassivity, quiet listening and constantly wearing the neutral expression instead of smiling sometimes? And in this situation: how will your wife support you to her utmost if she has also learned to remain passive and live in your shadow?
Children who grow up in traditional Asian homes do not learn the cultural lessons they need, in order to play a dominant role in most international workplaces as a successful CEO. The most important Asian values include filial piety, deference to authority, humility, hard work, harmony and sacrificing for the future. So do behave also their spouses! This often coincides with a lack of good communication skills and not mastering of the English language. Interacting with international relations becomes very difficult and the insecurity and shame start to increase. Take the decision to educate yourself and learn how to shine in an elegant and proper way! I can support you in your growth to become an eloquent and sophisticated wife of a CEO.
Another specific area is that of the expat wives. The issue comes when an expat wife has a her own big internal conflict by not pursuing her own goal. Many expat wives are dedicated to their children and home without having a job moving to one place for a few years. Therefore many expat wives just stay home and involve in school volunteer work or charities.
They slowly become mothers only instead of full-fledged women. The stagnated inner energy can cause anxiety, depression. While CEO husbands are doing their pick career, they are busy travelling and entertaining themselves, many expat wives truly remain as "wives!"
Seen from the outside, being married to a CEO often looks like living a dream. Is your own experience less glorious? The online course Rise your power helps you to enjoy your life more intense, allowing yourself to be the best version of you. This course is packed full of practical lessons with my personal wife of a CEO-experiences, great tips to overcome negativity or uncertainty, how to position yourself in the executive environment connected with your spouse and how to find your own way in this. Come out of his shadow and let yourself shine!
Being visible, being supportive, being his sparring partner, being inspiring... Any woman, married to a business leader, realizes this role could lead to insecurity; she might also become a burden rather than a blessing. If you want to be more happy in this role: learn to take your stage!
How? This and six other steps to self-reliance and a serene life I am explaning in a special eBook. Submit the form below and get it for free!