The most important professionals in my life who have brought me to this level of counselling and coaching are mentioned below.
In addition to my personal circle there are a few authorities who always inspire me by their influence and spiritual effects they have on people.
Deepak Chopra: one of world's preeminent thinkers to journey into life's deepest mysteries and seeking answers to its biggest questions.
His book ‘The way of the wizard’ has taught me how to accomplish transformations in my own life.
Oprah Winfrey: a remarkable and energizing women who achieved the maximum in life with a minimum of means, which is on parts similar to my life.
Every renowned expert, succesful creative or famous business coach has gained his/her present stage through mentors. Connect with experienced people who can provide you with valuable insights about your private and professional life. A mentor can help you in a phase of your life when you need feedback on a specific theme, or accompany you for a longer time. Choose a mentor with your heart!